• Course: WSET® Level 2 - Distant Learning Wine Course
  • Duration: 5 weeks online guided study
  • Price: 650,00 € (Hinweis: Umsatzsteuerbefreit nach § 4 Nr. 21 a) bb) UStG)

The WSET® Level 2 - Wine course provides a comprehensive overview and solid product knowledge of the world's principal wines and the pairing of wine and food. For each thematic area, the principles of tasting and evaluation according to the "WSET® Systematic Approach to Tasting" (SAT) are demonstrated and practiced using numerous wine samples, including label analysis. In a comprehensible and illustrative manner, advanced expertise for appropriate wine selection, including food pairings, and proper wine service is conveyed and acquired. Additionally, the utilization of fundamental technical vocabulary for competent customer and staff consultation is introduced and exercised.

This qualification is popular for wine employees and will give students excellent and comprehensive product knowledge. The course is also suitable for interested consumers.


Program Outline

  • Student activities: weekly tasks, group tasting area, multiple choice feedback tests and videos supported by the 
  • Educator: guides the student through the weekly tasks for 5 weeks 
  • Student access: once the booking is confirmed, students have access for 1 year, which includes the scheduled 5 weeks of guided study 
After the scheduled course end date, the material becomes read only and the students cannot post in the activities anymore. 

The course is based around a 5-week structured online program, with a recommendation of 6 hours study per week to cover the online activities and read the relevant chapters in the ebook. Regular access and participation in the course online activities is essential for this mode of study.st

The course follows a weekly structure, but it allows the student to work ahead or catch up on the activities and forums. There are no set times to log into the course, as there are no live chats or webinars. 

"Das Weininstitut München" does provide the relevant and current WSET® study materials for this course which will be sent to you post payment.

The course prepares for the qualification and is guided by a WSET® educator. The student can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course, should they have any questions. 
Each week includes a series of independent and/or group activities to help students understand wine label terminology and recognize the styles produced by the main grape varieties of key wine regions. 

Students are advised to taste a range of wines during their studies. A list of recommended tasting samples can be found in the specification. Students can post their tasting notes in the online classroom for a review by the educator.


Schedule of course

Week 1: Introduction to Wine Tasting, Pairing, Storage & Service Learn to taste and describe wines using the WSET Systematic Approach to Tasting® (SAT). Discover the key considerations when pairing food and wine successfully. Learn the processes and principles of wine storage and service. 

Week 2: Factors influencing Style, Quality & Price 
Study the factors influencing the style, quality and price of wine in the vineyard and winery. Discover how to decode and understand labels. 

Week 3: White Grape Varieties 
Learn about the characteristics and styles of wines produced from the main white grape varieties and the regions producing them. 

Week 4: Black Grape Varieties 
Learn about the characteristics and styles of wines produced from the main black grape varieties and the regions producing them. 

Week 5: Sparkling, Sweet, Fortified Wines
Learn about the various methods of making Sparkling, Sweet and Fortified Wine, the resulting wine styles and the regions producing them.


Seminar documents:
Möchten Sie einen Kurs buchen oder haben Sie noch weitere Fragen? class=

Möchten Sie einen Kurs buchen oder haben Sie noch weitere Fragen?

Wir freuen uns über Ihren Anruf oder Ihre E-Mail!
Bernhard Meßmer: +49 177 318 8877
Stefan Metzner +49 171 741 81 40

Was andere sagen

„Ich halte das Weinausbildungs-Programm des WSET® für sehr sinnvoll. Die Stufen 1 bis 4 sind für Profis aus Gastronomie und Handel ein idealer Einstieg bzw. eine hochklassige Qualifikation von der man im gesamten Berufsleben profitiert. Bernhard Meßmer habe ich als einen sehr engagierten und zielstrebigen Fachmann kennen gelernt. Ich freue mich, dass es im süddeutschen Raum nun eine weitere Anlaufstelle zur beruflichen Weinqualifikation gibt. “


„Nachdem ich mich als Weinprofi eingehend über Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten informiert habe, kamen für mich eigentlich nur die Kurse des WSET in Frage. Das Weininstitut München hat auf mich besten Eindruck gemacht. Sie haben sich sehr stark auf WSET spezialisiert und schienen äußerst qualifiziert zu sein. Durch den Besuch der Kurse WSET Level 2 und 3 habe ich dann mein Wissen über Weine aus der ganzen Welt deutlich erweitert. Das brauche ich, um in meinem Job Kunden kompetent und professionell zu beraten.“


„I chose an WSET course because I'm interested in wines and wanted to join the course to systematically learn the knowledge. Also I might consider this as a career option so a certificate would be useful. "Das Weininstitut München" is the only institute in Germany I know offering WSET courses in English. I apprechiated our two teachers, Stefan and Bernhard who are very knowledgable and communicative.“



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